Tuesday 23 July 2013

MY GREATEST GRATITUDE! The Lord has answered my prayers!!!!!!!!

Hello all,

Jesus has saved us from all distress! Hallelujah! I am speechless and I really don't know how to express my gratitude. I have been praying intensely for the past 8 months and Jesus has granted me the best gift I can ask for. My heart rejoices and my soul will always proclaim the greatness of our dear Lord! I would also like to thank Sweet Mother Mary for She has undone the knots in our lives. She has truly helped us!!! throughout these difficult times, I have also continuously prayed to St Jude Thaddeus, St Anthony, and St. Gabriel. Their intercessions are so powerful and words cannot describe how much I thank them! What a miracle.

Jesus and Mary, I love You! Thank you for everything!

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