Friday 17 May 2013

My prayers answered!

Once again, my prayer is answered! Jesus has done so many miracles in my life, with or without me knowing it. I was praying for a friend who was going to face an exam earlier. The subject was difficult and he only had 1 day to study everything due to other commitments. I asked the Lord to look upon His effort and I submitted my petitions to Him. On top of that, I prayed to our Blessed Mother and my patron saint, St. Jude, to guide him. He came back home happy, knowing that he could do much more than he expected. I'm so grateful to the Lord. His love and mercy are abundant. 

Although I know it isn't enough, I hope that this blog can reveal the glory of God to all who read my posts. We all know that God loves us, but most of us don't realise that God loves each of us individually like noone else exists.. You and I are unique before the Eyes of God.

God bless you all and don't forget to ditch the meat on Fri! :)

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