Thursday 16 May 2013

See God with our hearts.

"Where's God?"

"I can't see God. There's no God"

"If there's God, why is there so much suffering on earth?!"

I'm sure you've all come across these questions or comments before, or maybe you have asked yourself this question. There are times when I doubt my faith too.. To be frank, I just relied on my own power and never involved God in my life. Then I began to wonder, was it because I couldn't see God physically that I have doubts in Him? Hmmm... to me it was one of the obvious reasons.

I bet we all want to see God face to face.. but don't we see Him with our hearts? Strength, calmness, hope, and even suffering... aren't those the graces we receive from the Lord? I bet we all can see Him that way. He's with you every step of the way... Sometimes I don't understand God's Holy will in the present moment, but when I look back in the previous chapters of my life.. I cannot think of a better picture. :) So everything happens for a reason and nothing happens to us if it's not for our own good. So don't despair. I thought yesterday was going to be the worst day of my life! I trusted the Lord to take care of everything and He really showed Himself... The truth is, we see Him everyday, in a deeper, more meaningful way...

God bless you all.

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