Wednesday 15 May 2013

Today's the day!

Hi again,

Today's the day I've been waiting for, for the past 6 months. In a few hours something will happen and I was praying Novenas to the Infant Jesus and St. Jude every hour yesterday... I was in despair and was completely helpless. However, today, I feel so calm, like nothing happens. I believe it's a miracle from the Lord. I have peace in my heart. I woke up praying the rosary which I will do again in an hour. I have confidence in the Lord, that He will take care of everything.. Last night before I slept, I said to the Lord "Lord, I've done what I can, now it's Your turn to take care of everything".. I woke up and I've since been at peace. The Lord hears my prayers. He never leaves any of us alone.

For those who might be in the same situation as me.. who feel helpless and alone. The Lord never lets go of our hands. He's walking beside us and He will continue to guide us. We, the weak creatures, just need to trust in His Providence. Seek the Lord, and you all will find joy in your lives. May His love fills your heart. Give Him a chance to help you, give Him a chance to comfort you.

Do not let your hearts be troubled...

I will write again a little later. Don't forget to say the Rosary everyday. God bless you.

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