Tuesday 14 May 2013

Praying with child-like confidence in God

How many times have we prayed and prayed for something, but we keep on navigating our eyes away from God? When we start to despair, we start losing our hope. I'm in a difficult situation at this point and I pray hard. However, I also keep on thinking about the consequences that my partner and I have to face years from now. On top of that, I keep on digging into our past that it haunts us everyday. When I start to fear, I know I lose sight of God, I lose my trust in Him.

We have to have child-like confidence when we pray to the Lord. According to Charles Spurgeon, it's like a little girl, in a real danger of fire, who clings to a fireman and trust in him alone. Although the smoke is overwhelming and the heat is unbearable, she knows that the fireman will bring her to safety. We all shall have that kind of trust in the Lord. May the Lord grant us that virtue and we all shall be at peace.. peace that no man can take away...

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